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Case study – Medical Rehabilitation

Each positioner has a recipe for good SEO. According to his knowledge and experience, he mixes the best practices, often enriching them with its secret ingredient. However, no recipe can lack one thing: good agency-client cooperation. Only she can make the website stand out above mediocrity and win the main prize in the race for the attention of the audience. The case study of one of our clients proves how important this factor is and to what extent it affects the results.

How we started?

Our client operates in the medical industry, which is a special challenge from the point of view of positioning activities. It often requires content containing a large amount of specialist knowledge that only experts in their field have. Therefore, the positioner is not able to act only on his own, and regular contact with the client becomes a necessity. In this case, however, we could – and still can – count on our client’s full cooperation.

We started positioning in March 2017, taking over a website with an already established opinion and relatively good visibility under our wings. However, we still had a lot of room for optimization. Initially, we implemented standard technical changes to the website: we added meta title and meta description, applied redirects, fixed 404 errors etc. At the same time, the client was also working with us. Knowing the importance of content, he created texts, taking into account the key phrases recommended by us, to supplement the website with even more valuable content that will increase the visibility of the site.

At the same time, we also operated in the off-site SEO field, i.e. we took care of a regular flow of external links. We placed texts with hyperlinks on our back-end, but we also created a dedicated back-end for the client, which allowed us to increase the results even more. Thanks to the compilation of activities, in 3 years we increased website traffic by 394%.

In May 2020, the brand already had 1206 phrases in TOP3, 3472 phrases in TOP10 and almost 18,000 phrases in TOP50. It generated monthly traffic at the level of 46,492, and more importantly – it improved its own records every month – so the progress was not only noticeable, but also constant.

Website migration – a critical moment in the SEO process

A little over a year ago, the client made a move that may have far-reaching consequences for the visibility of the site on the web – it is about website migration. Why is this a dangerous process? An improperly carried out transfer may result in a drastic drop in search results, and thus the loss of many months of work on website positioning. For this reason, it is very important that the positioner knows in advance about the planned migration.

However, in the case of this client, far-reaching SEO effects were avoided. It happened thanks to the fact that we received information about the migration plans from WordPress to the proprietary platform several months before its implementation. Moreover, we had access to the design of the new website, we were able to provide our recommendations, many of which were eventually introduced. We also had time to prepare a list of recommendations on how to safely carry out the migration so as not to lose the earned positions.

The cooperation during the transfer of the website went very smoothly, we managed to reduce the impact of this process on the website’s position to the absolute minimum. As you can see in the chart, there has been a temporary movement in the position during this period, but there is no drastic drop in visibility. After the first weeks, a significant rebound is visible, and the upward trend continues until today.

In opposition to this case study, it is worth showing an example of how the results can change when the agency does not receive information about the planned migration in advance. Then the decline is visible. Therefore, we were unable to redirect at the right time and prepare a plan for a “painless” transition to the new platform. As you can see, the web robots quickly caught the change, which immediately affected the visibility of the website. This shows that it cannot be emphasized too many times how important good communication is between the agency and the client.

Results after four years

But let’s get back to the summary of our activities. Since the beginning of cooperation, i.e. for about four years, we have managed to increase the average traffic on the website by 5046%. If you compare the year-on-year results from 2020 and 2021, you can also see high increases – by 480% in the number of phrases in TOP3 and by 318% in the number of phrases in TOP10. The ambitions of both our client and ours, however, reach even higher, which is why we do not give up our arms and we fight for even better results. And these, thanks to the combination of the client’s extensive industry knowledge with expert SEO knowledge of our positioner, are at your fingertips.

Published inCase StudyParafrase onlineReword generatorSEO
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