We have been cooperating with the motorcycle shop since May 2020, jointly building the visibility of the website for phrases with the greatest potential. When we started, the site was showing 11 phrases in the TOP10, and only 2 of them appeared in the top three search results. This means that organic traffic to the site existed, although it was relatively small. So we took action on various fronts – technical optimization of the website, adding content and external linking helped us achieve significant increases after just one year. Currently, the number of phrases in the top positions is as follows:
TOP3 – 42 phrases,
TOP10 – 188 phrases,
TOP50 – 1092 phrases.
This represents an increase of 1,609% in the case of TOP10 and as much as 2,000% in the case of TOP3. However, we know that the website still has the potential to gain even better results, so we do not give up our arms and together with the client we fight to dig ourselves into the forefront of search results. The average cost of positioning this website is $ 3,500 per month.
Let’s look at the results of our other client who sells water filters. Here we will present a similar period as in the case of the previous example, which is more or less the last year. In October 2020, the website was already well visible in Google: 24 phrases in TOP3 and 130 phrases in TOP10 – this was our starting point in this case.
This is a very good foundation for building visibility in search results, which we have tried to use one hundred percent. In October 2021, the results reached 78 phrases in the top three and 334 phrases on the first page of the ranking. These are increases by 225% and 157%, respectively.
The average cost of SEO for this site is $ 2,000 per month.
Our third example in today’s post is a shop with anti-varicose products. How has the visibility of this page changed over the last year? In October 2020, we recorded the following results:
TOP3 – 41 phrases,
TOP10 – 209 phrases,
TOP50 – 566 phrases.
As in the previous case study, the basic visibility was already built and it was only necessary to take care of the systematic increase in position in the search results. A year of combined efforts of the client and positioner, we achieved increases of 256% in the case of TOP3 and 78.5% in the case of the first page of the ranking. It was respectively:
TOP3 – 146 phrases,
TOP10 – 373 phrases,
TOP50 – 900 phrases.
Here, too, however, we are still fighting for more and more visibility, and this goal is definitely within reach. The average cost of positioning this site is $ 1,700 per month.
PrestaShop is a platform that largely allows you to personalize your settings. We have to introduce most of the plugins and add-ons to it ourselves, thanks to which we do not burden the server with functionalities that are not useful to us (such as in the case of WooCommerce). As a result, Presta works a bit faster than WooCommerce, but the latter platform can also be optimized to reduce loading times.
When it comes to comparing PrestaShop with Shoper, these platforms are very similar, and the main difference is that we may have a bit more trouble finding a programmer who knows Presta well. When choosing PrestaShop, you must also take into account the fact that most of the add-ons are paid in this case. If we want to have more free novelties, it is better to put the store on WooCommerce, although this platform is also gradually moving away from free lending of functionality and most of them are free only in the basic, heavily reduced version.
In general, however, both PrestaShop and Shoper or WooCommerce are good for positioning in search results and you can get good results on each of these platforms, as in the examples shown here.
Do you want an SEO store based on PrestaShop technology? Choose a company with experience and results in this regard. Contact us and we will consult you free of charge on the possibilities for your store.